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Easy Crunchy Green Beans

Recently, we shared a cauliflower puree video recipe as a tasty vegetable recipe for people that like soft, mushy textures. Now, we’re talking crunchy veggies. One of the easiest ways to prepare a crunchy veggie is simple—leave it raw. Raw veggies, of course, taste differently than when they are cooked and have different textures as well. So, if raw textures aren’t for you, here’s an easy and fast way to prepare crunchy green beans.

Crunchy Green Beans Recipe:


  • Green beans, washed and trimmed

  • 1 tablespoon of butter

  • Salt


  • Colander or strainer (optional)

  • Skillet

  • Tongs


1. Wash green beans. Use a colander or strainer

2. Trim ends off green beans. You can use your hands to snap them off or cut them off.

3. Put a skillet on a stove burner. Turn the burner on to medium heat. Once heated, add butter and let melt.

4. Add green beans. Use tongs to mix around. Cook for about 2-3 minutes until just beans are starting to brown but are still crunchy.

5. Use tongs to remove green beans to a plate. Season with salt to taste.

Alternatively, you can boil the green beans for a couple of minutes. You can use a skillet or saucepan. Add enough water that, when added, green beans will be completely covered. Bring water to a boil. Add green beans and cook for 2-3 minutes. Use tongs to remove the green beans to a plate or carefully strain in a calendar. Season with salt to taste